Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Anti-Gay Howard University Students plan to Boycott Tonex’s concert

I used to think Howard University was more sensible than most, but after this mess, I don't know.

Over-Talented Tonex a.k.a B. Slade will be performing there this Sunday for a Gospel Brunch, however bigoted students are upset about him being there. You see, Tonex is gay and has been making beautiful music for awhile now. Still these folks are scared of a gay Christian, so instead of embracing the truth, they want to boycott it.

They created the Facebook page, “Don’t support Tonex concert” and a Twitter handle, @BoycottTonex. The page and twitter are gone now, but their hate is still evident. I hope the gay students and allies combat this foolishness. This ain't the stone ages and we ain't burning witches, so these bigots need to get it together.

I'm sure there will be more to the story.



  1. It just not that he is gay, he does not follow the principles that are in the bible. Lets just remove the fact that he gay, the man say he believes that fonication is when you sleep with more than one partner. The bible is clear on what fornaication better yet the dictionary.Yyes the brother has talent, i give that to him. He said so may things again the bible, scripture, not what i believe but what the bible. Christiany is based on the BIBLE. We are the only religion that modifieds the principle that are faith is found on.

  2. This is not a real issue on campus. The articles written about this protest are highlight just a few students, this isn't by any means a movement. Very misleading.

  3. The Howard Theater is not on Howard's campus. It is a whole two or three blocks from the campus. To those boycotting..."yeah, because y'all dont sin...."

    Romans 3:23 states "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,"

  4. This is bigger than it should be. The truth is that the Students are not scared of Tonex aka B Slade, but what they are doing is standing for truth. Say what you will, being gay isn't about what God has taught during the Holy Scriptures. Being gay is of the devil (little) d. I say to the students, stand stand stand for the truth of the almighty. I love Tonex the person butttttt, I HATE THE SIN IN HIM. I would be less than a person to say that i hate Mr. T the person because I know that he is crying out for help and this concert might be his way of calling out to his sisters and brothers in Christ. I am not anti Tonex, i am anti satan. My prayer is that he will find his way to get to God and stay there, in Psalm it talks about having a hiding place for his children and right now, Tonex needs Gods shoulders to cry on. I love him and pray for him always.
