Thursday, August 15, 2013

Hate Leader Scott Lively will face a Crimes Against Humanity Lawsuit

Ooooh, Scott Lively is about to get it!

A LGBT group has filed a case against him for his involvement in anti-gay actions in other parts of the world. The groups, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and Sexual Minorities of Uganda (SMUG), brought Scott to the carpet. Scott tried to get out of it, but a federal judge overruled his request.

Here's more about the lawsuit:
The lawsuit alleges that Lively’s actions over the past decade, in collaboration with key Ugandan government officials and religious leaders, are responsible for depriving LGBTI Ugandans of their fundamental human rights based solely on their identity, which is the definition of persecution under international law and is deemed a crime against humanity. This effort bore fruit most notably in the introduction of the notorious Anti-Homosexuality Bill (aka the Kill the Gays bill), which Lively helped engineer.

Lively has also been active in countries like Russia where a new law criminalizing gay rights advocacy was recently passed. In 2007, Lively toured 50 cities in Russia recommending some of the measures that are now law.

“Today’s ruling is a significant victory for human rights everywhere but most especially for LGBTI Ugandans who are seeking accountability from those orchestrating our persecution,” said Frank Mugisha, the director of SMUG.
I hope he is found guilty!


  1. I hope they put him away for good.

  2. He is an evil man want to be another Hitler. he was in Oregon trying to get gays killed back in the early 90's.
