Saturday, July 20, 2013

My Vague Review of AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.

I was lucky to see the Agents of SHIELD yesterday and I think it will be a hit of the fall season!
But for those of you who will half to wait, I will give you a vague bullet point review:

  • Agent Maria Hill makes an appearance.
  • Agent Coulson lives, but how he lives is a secret.
  • J. August Richards is playing a character named Michael Peterson.
  • The alien technology from the Avengers movie is in the Black market.
  • There are a lot references to the Marvel universe.
  • Who is the secret group gunning for SHIELD?
  • The writing is golden.
  • Melinda May is badass, but what's her story?
  • Skye is interesting.
  • This series takes some pieces rom Iron Man 3.
  • The characters are very engaging.
  • Agent Ward is cute.
  • Neat gadgets 
  • There is enough to keep you interested.
  • May see more Marvel folks soon.
So there it is; very vague, no spoilers but hopefully enough for you to tune in.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see Cobie Smulders make an appearance. I'm willing to bet this will be at least a semi-regular gig for her once HIMYM wraps up this season.

    I'm really looking forward to Tuesday nights this fall. I had a feeling this was going to be the one new show I'll love.
