Thursday, July 4, 2013

My 'Personal' Letter from Brian Brown

Dear vik,

Tomorrow as we celebrate Independence Day, we're reminded of how richly blessed America has been. We're a republic founded on the principles of religious liberty, freedom and democracy, endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights. We're a nation where citizen rights come from God, not from government, and where the people are sovereign, not politicians or judges.

But those principles are under siege, by the culture, by our federal government and, increasingly, by the US Supreme Court. We need your help to fight to preserve America's founding principles such as religious liberty which is greatly at risk wherever marriage is redefined.

A majority of the US Supreme Court is perilously close to imposing same-sex marriage on the nation. For now, they've left if to the states, but for how long? They've already invalidated our federal law defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. They claimed it was enacted with animus and a bare desire to harm homosexuals, denying them basic human dignity. And they let a lower court eviscerate California's Proposition 8 because state officials abandoned their duty to defend the law.

It was a sad day for America when the Supreme Court issued their decisions, and the incredibly flawed justifications for them.

Our opponents blithely claim that religious liberty and same-sex 'marriage' can peacefully coexist, but experience shows that is not the case. Anybody who doesn't abandon their faith principles and fully cooperate with the new gay marriage regime is likely to face consequences.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Brian seems to forget that people were running away from people telling them how to live. Now he is doing it.
