Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Juror B37 loses her Agent, and possible Book Deal

The spotted slag, known as Juror B37, was excited to be signed by literary agent and Martin Literary Management president Sharlene Martin.

But after the CNN interview and Twitter responses to this mess, Sharlene dropped B37 like cheap fabric.

Sharlene told Buzzfeed:
“After careful consideration regarding the proposed book project with Zimmerman Juror B37, I have decided to rescind my offer of representation in the exploration of a book based upon this case.”
Then this disgraceful trollop release this broke ass statement:
“I realize it was necessary for our jury to be sequestered in order to protest our verdict from unfair outside influence, but that isolation shielded me from the depth of pain that exists among the general public over every aspect of this case. The potential book was always intended to be a respectful observation of the trial from my and my husband’s perspectives solely and it was to be an observation that our ‘system’ of justice can get so complicated that it creates a conflict with our ‘spirit’ of justice.Now that I am returned to my family and to society in general, I have realized that the best direction for me to go is away from writing any sort of book and return instead to my life as it was before I was called to sit on this jury.”
Girl, please. You got dropped and egg in your face. Serves you right!


  1. I can't stomach to watch that interview, but I'm glad she's not going to make a dime off it. Screw her and the other five for this injustice.

  2. I'll have thoughts on this later in the week, but let's just say: Be gone, B37, before someone drops a house on you!

  3. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.

  4. In a post on 7-10-2013 you decried Texas' war against women yet you have no problem using the four derogatory slurs slag, trollop, heifer and tramp to describe a woman you don't even know. You managed to be a misogynist and hypocrite all at once.

  5. Please, I call everyone a slag and don't come for me unless I send for you.
