Monday, July 1, 2013

Interesting Quote: Brian Brown

Most of us would consider such actions cynical, shameful and despicable. Clearly, they undermine public confidence in the legitimacy of the legal system. Yet Kamala Harris tells us that, "it's a great day" because, "it means those people who want to deny same-sex couples the benefits of equal protection and due process under the United States constitution cannot do so simply because they don't like the notion."

In other words, the more than 7 million Californians who exercised their sovereign right to amend their state constitution — an act that the California Supreme Court ruled overwhelmingly was a proper and legal use of the constitutional amendment process — don't matter because she, Kamala Harris, has determined that it was the wrong thing to do and she was not going to let them get away with this "notion." In the world of Kamala Harris, we are banished to the sidelines, not even fit to participate in civil discourse.

Harris ignored her oath of office and lied about what the Supreme Court has said about Proposition 8. Worse, her hubris and arrogance is revealed with the statement that, "I know that all Californians — as evidenced by the most recent polling that was done, 61% — support same-sex marriage and the right of these couples to marry, as equals under the law."
He's trying to come for Kamala Harris

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