Sunday, July 28, 2013

Don Lemon's Statement about Black People causes a Huge Stir

Don's commitments on race and the Black community caused some issues last night.

Watch here:

Interesting... I see what he was trying to say, but using Bill O'Reilly as a jump off wasn't the best plan. Yes, there are issues within our community, but his 5-point rule isn't a way to address the issues.

This is a larger conversation we need to have


  1. The hell with Bill O'Reilly. Don Lemon was totally correct. I think it's great that an openly gay black man said it.

    Btw, there is no need for anyone to try to keep our dirty laundry "in the family" because EVERYBODY, and I mean everybody, already knows how debased so-called black culture is these days.

  2. I feel what Don and Bill said was spot on.

  3. I'm not part of the black community by skin color, but all but one unit in my complex is rented by people of color so I see this first hand.

    What Don Lemon said was not only right, but it also happens in the Latino community as well. Stay in school. Pick up your trash. Pick up your damned pants. Be a parent, not a sperm donor.

    I'm glad Don said what needed to be said. It's all true.

  4. He slapped black people in the face with truth, he's right on all that was mentioned, black people need to led by example and stop doing foolishness because we can, go broke or broken or grow up!
