Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Vatican has a Twink Prostitution Ring?

Well, if this is real, it's going to be big stuff.

The Examiner claims that The Times will release info (from a convicted pedophile priest) about a Twink prostitution ring inside the Holy Roman Church. There is proof that an Italian military cop picks up immigrant boys, who are underage, and brings them to the priests.

The 'talking' pedophile priest is Don Patrizio Poggi and he has dropped a bunch of names to the Italian police. These folks consist of four priests and a Monsignor, and right now, four of these creeps are under investigation by Rome magistrates.

But if this story grows, will be enough to break the Vatican down?

I guess there will be more to come.


  1. Break the Vatican?
    Surely you're joking here...
    You seem to neglect the fact that many prefer to live in denial,
    and that they will dismiss any such facts, maintaining their idea of the
    Institution, no matter what...

    Personally, if this is true,
    I hope every offender gets
    what he deserves.
    I despise such individuals...

  2. It won't break 'em down.
    They'll blame the pedophile priest and then the cop and then the boy prostitutes.
