Monday, June 10, 2013

Question of the Day

What do you think about Edward Snowden?

He is the 29-year-old former tech assistant for the CIA who leaked information about the NSA surveillance state in the America.

Was he right or was he wrong?

Watch his interview after the jump


  1. I'm on the fence on this. I find it disturbing that the NSA wants to know where I shop, where I web surf and read my emails. But then I really have nothing to hide other than being closeted to friends and coworkers.

    I don't do anything questionable, and my phone records will only turn up me calling my father to check up on him or my boss to call in sick. They might be highly entertained by some of the smack talk I'll run with online friends during sporting events, though.

  2. It got me to wondering if I voted for the right guy to be president.Then too, why do all the terrorist have assault weapons and they want American to have just guns?

  3. Esmerelda PlantagenetJune 10, 2013 at 6:38 PM

    I think he's cute but he won't fare to well in prison. He'll be somebody's bitch before the first day is over.

  4. hopefully, folks will pay attention THIS time.....Frontline broke this story in 2007.

  5. I need to retract something I said. I did vote for the right guy upon doing research
    I find that it was congress who didn't read the bill and in a sense agreed to more of Bush's wire taps. just how does a drop out get clearance?

  6. People - the US government is not listening to your every phone call or reading your every email.

    The system looks for key words such as "I'm going to fly a plane into a very tall building full of innocents". Not your porn sites or your celebrity crush or what you sent Mama for her birthday.

    The guys who want to kill us all - American, Australian, British etc - use the net, google, and email as their primary tools for recruitment and planning.

    If getting them means the government here or in USA reads my emails - let them. If they want to see the porn or music or recipes I download. That's fine. You know why? There are approximately 3000 reasons why.

    Everyone needs to take their faux outrage and put it back in their pocket because WE all wanted the terrorists to be tracked and caught. THIS is the thing that has to be done.

    This guy is a NUT. He deserves to spend the rest of his life in a Federal Prison being someone's' toy.

  7. The zetas are here in America recruiting and this guy just gave them an open door. Is America headed for more bombings and shootings from the terrorist? I love my America and will do my part in keeping her safe.

  8. I hate this guy, this is why you don't hire drop outs and idiots. I saw this guy's mom and she looks like a trucker.

  9. The only good thing that will come out of this is that white males will lose their status in Government.
