Sunday, June 16, 2013

Question of the Day: The Superman Edition

Have you seen Man of Steel yet?

If so, what did you think?


  1. I have not, but there's an excellent chance I'll watch it when it's available on OnDemand. Or if the EPIX channel plays it over and over again like they do The Avengers.

    And for the record, I don't mind seeing Jeremy Renner all the time. ;-)

  2. saw it, hated it. For the first 30 minutes everything was mostly good but went to hell.

    In a nut shell, both of Clarke's fathers were fucking idiots and dicks and neither of them could ever inspire a young boy to become a super hero. Next the morality of the movie was so troublesome.
    -JorEl telling the council, days before the world ends, that there's nothing for them to do, just sit and die? Even though he clearly had 9 months to gestate Clark and build a spaceship. And why not? Because they don't deserve to live because they aren't good enough and like technology too much. Fuck him.

    1 hour and 40 minutes into the movie the female Kryptonian tells us that they took emotions out of the chemically made children of Krypton, why don't we learn that until this point? And how is that at all possible since Zod's entire mission was fueled by rage and passion?

    Pa Kent...what a complete cunt. Just fuck him. "No Clark, don't save those dying kids. Stay in the closet forever.I'm going to commit suicide now, goodbye"
    Then Clarke tells Zod that Krypton "had it's change" so no one more of them deserve to be born, THIS IS NOT A THING SUPERMAN WOULD SAY.

    The visuals alos bored me after the fighting started. an hour of buildings blowing up and crumbling. When you go from 0 to 60 there's no where else left to go. there are no more stakes and no reason to care if they are just going to crash into houses and skyscappers from the beginning
