Monday, June 24, 2013

OutServe-SLDN fires Director, Senior Members Resigns

There's a catastrophe happening over at OutServe-SLDN. About a couple of days ago, executive director Allyson Robinson was basically fired. Why? I don't know, I haven't found out why. In fact, I don't think many of us know the real reason.

Anywho, her firing has cause senior staffers and one board member to resign in protest.

Folks are not talking and it's looking like a hot mess in Hell. But why is everyone so hush, hush about this? And what really happened? Folks just don't up and resign like this, so something was said or done to cause this drama?

And what about Allyson? Why was she fired? During Netroots, folks were praising her, so none of this makes sense. Unless she's the one who cause the IRS scandal in Benghazi, what did she do?

Buzzfeed reports that Allyson won't talk about it at this time, but I think it's odd that the organization has not released a statement.

Trust, I will keep y'all posted. Until then, check out my Bossman Bil's post on the matter. He broke the news first and it's updated constantly.

1 comment:

  1. She probably can't talk because an attorney is involved. Good for her. This doesn't pass the smell test.
