Saturday, June 8, 2013

NO, I am Not a fan of GetEQUAL - My Rant

Here's the truth... I can't with GetEQUAL. I can't.

This particular LGBT activist group has irked for the last 3 years. I have never seen such misguided, short-sided and myopic group in my life. Well, maybe some frats, but they take the cake and mixing bowl too.

Every since they start heckling the President, I just served them the side-eye on the regular.

Now, why do I feel this way?
  • Their plans always feels like they thought it up at a Stop sign. There's no sense to it, it's just 'Let's make someone mad' and  then they run off to an event and do it. However, there is no follow-up. They just make a mess and leave it there for someone to clean up.
  • Their activists are like a teen cult. They all add 'equality' or 'getequal' as a middle name. It's the kind of shit you do when you join the neighborhood ten-speed bike club as a kid. And they are an annoying bunch of corner-sitters, with no true idea of what it means to be social minded activists.
  • They never admit their flaws, even though the WORLD shows them their mess with billboard-size pictures.
  • They are not big picture thinkers, they are 'Do it NOW' activists, which serves no one but themselves.
  • Their idea of getting attention is heckling... Not policy making, lobbying or educating others. To me, it's a tactic that leads to bullshit. There is no positive outcome to it.
  • Their egos are over-inflated. They really think they got rid of DADT. Child please. They just shouted loud and that's it.
  • They freak me out because they believe they are right and everyone else is wrong or not 'real activists'.
  • They never seem to go after our enemies as hard as our allies. When did GE get into the faces of Boehner, Tony Perkins, Rand Paul or Marco Rubio. I can tell you... NEVER! 
They follow the beat of their own drum. Too bad their drum is being played by broken toy monkey. I just don't understand their logic or their planning processes. They truly irk the Hell out of me and I will never trust anything they have their hands in.


  1. That gets a full throated AMEN!!!!!

  2. Preach!

    I think they really need a time out, or even a backhanded slap to set them straight. I'm no fan of them at all, and after they heckled FLOTUS they lost all credibility.
