Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Michelle Obama READS GetEqual's Heckler, LISTEN to the Confrontation

Oooh, I wish I was there to see this.

Last night at a fundraiser, First Lady Michelle Obama was heckled by an GetEqual activist, Ellen Sturtz, because President Obama hasn't signed an executive order banning federal contractors from discriminating against LGBT employees.

Well, we know how the President deals with hecklers. But Mrs. Obama... She don't play. She read that woman.

Buzzfeed reports:
Most notable part of the event was an interruption from a protester about 12 minutes into the 20-minute speech. A pro-LGBT rights individual standing at the front began shouting for an executive order on gay rights. (Pool did not hear exactly what.) 
“One of the things I don’t do well is this,” replied FLOTUS to loud applause. She left the lectern and moved over to the protester, saying they could “listen to me or you can take the mic, but I’m leaving. You all decide. You have one choice.” 
Crowd started shouting that they wanted FLOTUS to stay. 
“You need to go!” said one woman near the protester. 
The protester was then escorted out, shouting “…lesbian looking for federal equality before I die.” (First part of the quote was inaudible.) Pool could not get their name before they were taken out. 
“So let me make the point that I was making before,” continued FLOTUS. “We are here for our kids. So we must recapture that passion. That same urgency and energy that we felt back in 2008, 2012. Understand this — this is what I want you all to understand. This is not about us. No one back here. It’s not about you or you or your issue or your thing. This is about our children.” 
Loud applause in response to this comment.
The funny thing about this whole thing was Ellen's response.
“She came right down in my face,” Sturtz said. “I was taken aback.”
Really? Ellen, you made the choice to 'protest'. You made a choice to speak your mind. How are you going to be shocked she read you, after you showed out like that?

Girl, realtalk... You were lucky. Because in the streets, you would've got your wig snatched.

So, Ellen Sturtz, you learned something new from the First Lady yesterday: Don't come for her, unless She send for you.

UPDATE here's the audio

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for being the only (so far, I've read this over 5x already) to go beyond the quote and give the details of what happened after the reading.

    While I understand Ellen's pov, how far do we push the line? Also, isn't an EO against Pres. Obama's strategy? Aren't EO's easily overturned the second the new Pres. takes office? I know we could have 3 years of safety and possibly more if the Dem's win again but wouldn't the EO kinda kill all legislative momentum and foundations leaving us in a deeper hole if/when the dem's loose the presidential office?
