Saturday, June 8, 2013

Interesting Quote: Ellen Sturtz

Mrs. Obama has accomplished extraordinary things and is inarguably the conscience of the White House. She understands injustice at a deep level, and it was that political conscience I was hoping to stir at this week’s fundraiser. Some have said it was disrespectful for a white woman to interrupt an African American woman, or for an activist to interrupt the first lady. All I can say is that in that moment, I could no longer remain silent while standing in front of one of our country’s most powerful political figures. I spoke up for the millions of LGBT Americans who have to make small and excruciating choices each day about the extent to which they are able to live safe and honest lives. 
My hope is that the first lady sees me as just one of millions who are desperate to participate fully in the American dream — a dream she is helping to build for millions across this country. After being locked out of that dream for so long, I hope President Obama considers the desperation we all feel for equality and signs this executive order.

FYI, the Executive Order could get tied up in court and take forever to get active. I prefer the legislative approach.


1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry. This woman is crazier than a bag of cats.

    It's an interesting quote. But it is bullshit. It's too carefully crafted and written for a nutjob like that.

    I'm thinking GetEqual wrote it for her.

