Sunday, June 23, 2013

In Brazil: Gays take the streets over the “Gay Cure” Law

This is some frakked up stuff.

Some of you probably heard about the Brazilians protesting hard last week, right? Well, more are out there for other things, like the controversial law known as the “gay cure”.

This law was introduced by Marco Feliciano, the president of the Brazilian Parliament’s Commission for Human Rights. The "gay cure" bill would allow psychologists to treat “homosexuality” as an illness.

Yeah, they are taking some serious steps backwards.


  1. All of this amply demonstrates that religion is a pox upon society. More specifically the Catholic and Muslim religions (And we cannot leave out the ultra orthodox Jews).

    I'd be happy if there were no religion in the world. It's nothing but a time and money sink.

  2. I look for the when China will have the problem America had years ago,like with Black ,White, Mexican and other people they will lable immigrants.
