Saturday, May 11, 2013

The New Normal is Canceled

NBC's gay themed shows are taking a dirt nap. Smash was already a dead fish in the water, but TNN was kind of a surprise.

It was supposed to be the break out hit, but the show didn't really connect with people. TNN kind of promoted the rich, White gay life that turned off many viewers. Also the viewers felt that it was hammering a message every episode, turning it into a 'Lesson of the Week' series.

I found the series to be annoying. It was too much and not enough. Also the need to put Nene Leaks in as the Sassy Black Woman really rolled my eyes.

Perhaps if the series featured a likable, realistic couple living a regular town, more folks would've got into it... Maybe.

Hopefully, this will challenge writers to bring stronger and solid gay stories to the forefront.


  1. I watched it, but even I was sick of the weekly moral message and Justin Bartha's acting was very suspect.

  2. I can't think of a single NBC show I've liked during the past few season, which has me thinking about a question I need to ask on my blog soon. Maybe even today.
