Tuesday, May 14, 2013

New Poll: Americans Trust Hillary Clinton over the issue of Benghazi

As the GOP continue drive this Benghazi mess to the ground, they might want to pay attention to the public. According to the latest PPP's poll, the public trust Hillary Clinton and her judgement:
PPP's newest national poll finds that Republicans aren't getting much traction with their focus on Benghazi over the last week. Voters trust Hillary Clinton over Congressional Republicans on the issue of Benghazi by a 49/39 margin and Clinton's +8 net favorability rating at 52/44 is identical to what it was on our last national poll in late March. Meanwhile Congressional Republicans remain very unpopular with a 36/57 favorability rating.

Voters think Congress should be more focused on other major issues right now rather than Benghazi. By a 56/38 margin they say passing a comprehensive immigration reform bill is more important than continuing to focus on Benghazi, and by a 52/43 spread they think passing a bill requiring background checks for all gun sales should be a higher priority.

While voters overall may think Congress' focus should be elsewhere there's no doubt about how mad Republicans are about Benghazi. 41% say they consider this to be the biggest political scandal in American history to only 43% who disagree with that sentiment. Only 10% of Democrats and 20% of independents share that feeling. Republicans think by a 74/19 margin than Benghazi is a worse political scandal than Watergate, by a 74/12 margin that it's worse than Teapot Dome, and by a 70/20 margin that it's worse than Iran Contra.

One interesting thing about the voters who think Benghazi is the biggest political scandal in American history is that 39% of them don't actually know where it is. 10% think it's in Egypt, 9% in Iran, 6% in Cuba, 5% in Syria, 4% in Iraq, and 1% each in North Korea and Liberia with 4% not willing to venture a guess.
Well, I wonder how long they will keep this up. Nothing new is coming up and the story is getting tired. Time to focus on jobs, GOP.


  1. All the GOP can focus on is any conspiracy theory they can beat to death in hopes of keeping Clinton from running for President in 2016.

    And they won't get anything else done like they haven't done anything since Obama took office.

  2. During Hillary Clinton's testimony about the events surrounding Benghazi she asked what difference it made now. I'm sure that it makes a big difference to the loved ones of the four people who died. If God forbid it were Bill or Chelsea in that situation would she be asking the same question? If it was your husband or boyfriend or brother or father who had died would you think the story was getting tired? Would you think it was time to focus on something else?
