Monday, May 6, 2013

My Thoughts on Antoine Dodson's 'Change'

This post is a rant about Antoine Dodson.

On Friday, this man had the nerve to claim that his homosexuality was lifted by the grace of God. Please, gag me with plastic spoon.

Antoine is not free from the gayness; he's a slave to his own self doubts, low self-worth and sad self-esteem. It was sad to watch him declare his 'freedom' because we all know it's a lie. A sad, common and horrible lie.

And then he recites the Bible as if it was a shield or sword of protection. This is happens all the time, especially to guys who have no idea on who they are. Antoine's fame came way too fast and his self-worth was based on the nation loving him and laughing at him at the same time. I'm sure he was a fractured person coming into this mess and now, with no strong sense of worth, he was ripe for the picking.

Perhaps his experiences in LA jaded his views of the gay world and himself. Hell, LA can do that to you, but something broke inside him. I don't know what it was, but whatever fell apart completely pushed him over the edge.

Now he's half the man he used to be.

Hopefully, he will wake up from this nightmare and do it soon. 


  1. What Antoine is a slave to is attention.
    I think if people stop talking about him he'll just stop talking.


  2. I don't believe this change in him one bit. I predict he'll change again once he sees Christian bigotry in action.

  3. This girl is broke.
    That is why she is trying to drag out another 60 seconds from the last 15 minutes she had.
    I can't stand her.

  4. He must've caught AIDS.
