Thursday, May 16, 2013

Is J. August Richards playing Marcus Johnson, otherwise known as Nick Fury Jr. in the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

There's a lot of talk about who J. August Richards is in Agents of SHIELD. Producer Jeffrey Bell shed some light on the possibilities, which rules out Luke Cage and Rage.
IGN: And I’ve got to ask about J. August Richards…

Bell: Killed it! He’s so good. He’s so good, because we were looking for this character M-- I almost said his name. It’s not the one people are talking about.

IGN: He’s not! So I’m going to say Luke Cage, and you’re going to say...

Bell: I’m going to say that’s an interesting Marvel character, but no. But he came in and killed it. Honestly, we were looking for this part, and we just said, look, all our parts are open to all diversity. So the fact that we have a black dude who is awesome and it's J, was just because he was the best actor. It wasn’t like, “You know who…!”

IGN: Should we assume it’s someone familiar if you read Marvel comics?

Bell: You know, not necessarily. I mean, we’re going to draw from it, but Marvel has its thing, and we’re also going to be expanding forward, and this world is different since The Avengers. So I think there will be people showing up, some from the Marvel Universe and some not. But to commit to anything more would be telling.
So with that info, I was wondering if J. could be Marcus Johnson/Nick Fury Jr?

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