Thursday, April 11, 2013

'Man of Steel' will open door for more DC Comics Films

Interesting news on the DC Comics movie plans.

Man of Steel producer Chris Roven and screenwriter David S. Goyer dropped some teases involving other DC Comic films and character appearances in EW.

Chris said this about other characters entering the world of Man of Steel:
"[Man of Steel's] setting the tone for what the movies are going to be like going forward. In that, Man of Steel is definitely a first step. What Zack and Chris have done with [Man of Steel] is allow you to really introduce other characters into the same world."
David statement was a little different, but revealing:
"I would love to tell you yes or no [on Man of Steel leading to a shared universe], but I think it’s going to be more exciting for people to keep a beady eye out and find what they can find."
Then the final tease came from Jeff Robinov, president of Warner Bros. Pictures Group, he said:
“We’ll announce something in the next several weeks that will hopefully position the DC characters and the movies we’re going to be making.”
They better work these teases because the uncertainty besetting a Justice League film or any other DC Comics character is strong. Hopefully, MoS kickstarts DC's move game plan.

source 1 and source 2

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