Sunday, April 7, 2013

Interesting Quote: Ben Carson

"As you know, I have been in the national news quite a bit recently and my 36 year association with Johns Hopkins has unfortunately dragged our institution into the spotlight as well. I am sorry for any embarrassment this has caused. But what really saddens me is that my poorly chosen words caused pain for some members of our community and for that I offer a most sincere and heartfelt apology. Hurting others is diametrically opposed to who I am and what I believe. There are many lessons to be learned when venturing into the political world and this is one I will not forget. Although I do believe marriage is between a man and a woman, there are much less offensive ways to make that point. I hope all will look at a lifetime of service over some poorly chosen words."
Ben's trying apologize again for comparing us to the folks in NAMBLA



  1. He can say sorry all he wants, but once the toothpaste is out of the tube you can't put it back in.

  2. NAMBLA/ Men who love boys/Men who have sex with underage boys.

    I accept his apology because I know two gay people who does this kind of thing. He was not that far off.

  3. He should have tried harder the first time and maybe we wouldn't need a Ben Carson apology 2.0.
