Wednesday, April 10, 2013

In France: The first article of the Bill on Gay Marriage was Passed

With 179 to 157 votes, the Senate approved the first article of the bill on gay marriage, which opens the marriage to same sex couples.

Here's more:
The vote came after more than 10 hours of discussion on this article in which the right against the bill scrapped by multiplying the catch words in an electric atmosphere. "Despite attempts to obstruct the right, the Senate just adopt Article 1 which allows same-sex couples to marry, "said the group's president PS François Rebsamen , in a statement after the vote.

"The adoption of this article by a vote of the entire Senate majority, puts an end to the discrimination that resulted from sexual choices of citizens," he added. "Given the abuses that took place either by manifestations of violence in the street, either by verbal excesses in the chamber, the vote on this article marks a victory for the fight against homophobia, tolerance and the of democracy, "
France is clearly on their way to Marriage Equality. Can you imagine getting married in Paris?


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