Sunday, April 14, 2013

In Florida: Sgt. Ron King was Fired for using targets that looked like Trayvon Martin

This is unbelievable! A police officer was caught bringing targets that looked like Trayvon Martin to a gun range!

Here's more:
Port Canaveral, Fla. Interim Chief Executive Officer John Walsh told WFTV on Saturday that Sgt. Ron King was leading a target practice with two other officers and a civilian when he pulled out the targets April 4. Walsh says King asked the group if they wanted to use the targets, and they said no.

"It is absolutely reprehensible that a high-ranking member of the Port Canaveral Police, sworn to protect and serve Floridians, would use the image of a dead child as target practice," said Benjamin Crump, an attorney for Trayvon Martin's parents. "Such a deliberate and depraved indifference to this grieving family is unacceptable. The citizens of Port Canaveral deserve better."
Trayvon was murdered and this fu**er makes targets resembling him? That's beyond sick! I'm glad that bastard was fired and I hope somebody pay attention to the actions of that police department!


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