Monday, April 15, 2013

Alan Keyes: Marriage Equality will Lead to 'The Murder of the Masses'

This Alan Keyes is a trip, y'all.

He is always speaking foolishness left and right. On the subject of gay marriage, he let out some crazy talk. Alan said:
It returns us to the dark ages of human oppression, which America was founded to remove humanity from, and it is the whole point of the push for homosexual marriage and homosexual rights. The aim is not compassion for homosexuals, respect for homosexuals and all of this; the aim in the mind of these hardheaded, calculating, leftist, Communist, totalitarians is to destroy the family and to establish the notion that once you have seized power there is no limit whatsoever to what you can do. If you want to tolerate abuses then those abuses can be imposed upon the people. Once you establish that, the abuses are then not going to be confined to egregious outrages like this; those abuses are going to be committed against the whole society and they will in the end include the murder of the masses as has occurred in all Communist regimes that existed. That includes as well the expropriation of all property because if you don’t respect the primordial God-endowed belongings that are associated with family life then why on earth would you be constrained to respect any other form of human property claim.
Listen to him speak this crap after the jump

1 comment:

  1. I'm baffled that he can actually believe and say any of this with a straight face.
