Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Abusive Rutgers University Basketball Coach Fired

Rutgers University basketball coach Mike Rice was fired for mentally and physically abusing his players. ESPN published videos of Rice shouting homophobic slurs at players and hitting them with basketball balls.

Please watch


  1. Good!

    Now, throw him in jail for assault and serial abuse, and takes his assets to pay off all the players he bullied.

    Then take the jobs of those in the administration who covered this up..because you KNOW that was going on, too.

  2. When will people realize that name-calling, racial and anti-gay epithets, and physical abuse don't really motivate anyone, but, rather, keep perpetuating a cycle of violence and intolerance?

  3. I couldn't watch the videos, and I wonder if Rutgers would have done anything about this fool if these videos never came to light?

  4. This occurred at the same Rutgers where Tyler Clemte attended and was video taped in his dorm with another man causing Tyler to jump off the George Washington Bridge. When will it end?
