Monday, March 18, 2013

Tweet of the Day

After the Satan episode of 'The Bible' aired, Glenn Beck tweeted this

 'That guy' means Obama.

Many folks responded saying no and yes. What do you think?


  1. Does the Devil look like Obama? Maybe.

    What I find interesting, though, is that in the entire miniseries, the only black character is the Devil.

    A coincidence, or am I being paranoid?

  2. I find it rather disturbing that the 'History' channel would even have a series on the Bible with such mythological characters as 'Satan' included. That's much worse than the controversy about Obama resembling this particular version of Satan. People will be led to believe that everything in the Bible consists of historical facts, therefore it must be true.

  3. @ultragreen: True indeed. When people bring up the bible and history, I always think of the claim that the Israelites were enslaved in Europe for hundreds of years, when no evidence has ever been found that they lived there. And of course all the "miracles" that people just take as fact.
