Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Question of the Day

Do we perpetuate the rape culture in the Gay community?

Some say we do, some say we don't... What do you think?


  1. I think the male-on-male roleplaying, like in the picture you've used, is very different from the rape of women, which is all about men asserting their power over women.

    It's like comparing apples and oranges.

  2. This is hard because I think we look at ourselves through the lens of male privilege and rarely even talk or consider rap beyond a fantasy situation.

  3. we're still a community of fucking in bathrooms and demanding to be allowed to rally naked in Dore Alley so dudes can piss on and fist each other.

    I don't think its specifically a rape culture but its one that's still treats sex as a deviant act
