Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Lady Gaga’s Fans are Idiots! Claiming that Madonna is Responsible for AIDS

Lady Gaga's little monsters are a bunch of little messes. In a strange turn of events, these fans wrote GLAAD about why they should drop Madonna as a presenter:
Dear GLAAD:It has come to the attention to Little Monsters everywhere that you are letting Madonna give an award to Anderson Cooper. Not only is this an insult to a true gay rights activist like Lady Gaga, but it insults every gay man and woman on this planet. 
Madonna is one of the major reasons for AIDS. Back in the 1980’s, she encouraged gay men to have unprotected sex. While she certainly didn’t start the disease, she and her lack of morals helped it spread. 
Please rethink your choice of having Madonna as a presenter. If you don’t, we Little Monsters will strike back in a way you won’t like. 
Sincerely,Lady Gaga’s Little Monsters
Clearly these are millennials because every gay knows Madonna is a fierce advocate. The site where the letter was posted is gone, but it already viral. really, Madonna kickstarted AIDS?

I wonder what M's fans are going to do with these silly hipsters fans of Gaga?



  1. And yet Gaga says nothing?
    This is where she loses me; if she is such a true LGBT advocate as soon as these stories started coming out she would have, should have, said something.

  2. Stupid fools. Madonna didn't encourage anyone to have unprotected sex. People regardless of orientation were having unprotected sex for years before anyone ever heard of Madonna.
