Monday, March 4, 2013

Classes are Canceled after a Hate Incident at Oberlin College

Foolishness alert!

Oberlin College canceled classes today after multiple hate-fulled acts of vandalism plagues the campus.

Here's more from HuffPo
Black History Month posters were defaced with the N-word, a note found at the LGBTQ Community Coordinator called it the "Nigger + Faggot Center," and someone wrote “Nigger Oven” in an elevator, among other incidents according to the Review. On several occasions, swastikas were drawn, the Cleveland Jewish News reports. 
Oberlin had previously scheduled a convocation for Wednesday in response to the "racist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic messages spread anonymously around campus," according to the school's Office of Communications, but moved it up to Monday afternoon. Prior to the convocation, there will be a "Rally Against Hate." A Feb. 13 march in response to the initial vandalism drew around 460 students, according to one student's count. 
"This has been another event in a string of several reflecting a terrible pattern of racism, prejudice, queerphobia, anti-semitism and other bias attacks that are happening on Oberlin's campus," Eliza Diop, liaison to the Student Senate, wrote in an email to her fellow students. "At this time, advocacy, support and solidarity are necessary emotionally, physically and spiritually." 
According to the website Student Activism, the sighting of a person dressed like a KKK member is the seventh hate incident at Oberlin in the past month.
Today they are holding a "Day of Solidarity" to address the incidents.

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The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.