Tuesday, February 19, 2013

What's Going on with Me

So I thought it was time to give an update about what's going on with me.
  • I'm 39 now, so I got to get things in order.
  • I don't know the next step in life, but I guess I have to take it.
  • My partner and I have separated. Some of it is my fault and some of it is his. But during this time, I'm learning a lot about me and some of my hidden issues. I do hope we can get in a good place again.
  • My job is steady but difficult. Folks are going through a lot of stuff and our division is seriously changing. While change is good, it's also hard as hell.
  • I downsized my old car and got a brand new car, a Dodge Dart. The marketing of the car didn't work, so the price of the car dropped and it was an easy trade.
  • I was suppose to be in Philly with a bunch of other LGBT bloggers, but I have to travel to Canada instead.
  • I lost 6 pounds in 2 weeks.
  • I think I will cut a few inches from my hair.
  • I have a weird stalker, I guess I'm famous, especially to this person. I feel like Whitney Houston in The Bodyguard.
  • Saw Beautiful Creatures and thought it was good. It was like watch an updated Bewitched special.


  1. Change can be good, but it's also hard as hell sometimes.
    But, whatever doesn't kill you ....

  2. Sorry about the breakup, congrats on losing weight and getting a new car. And speaking of Whitney, Clive Davis just came out of the closet.


  3. I know of many people - myself included - who are going through myriad life changes, some good some bad. If you need to talk or a shoulder, let me know. HUGS

  4. The only constant in life is change, but I was very sorry to hear of the break up. I hope you'll be able to work through things and remain friends, if not more. Good luck!

  5. I'm 61 y/o and still things are changing. Some changes I still need to make and some just pop up out of nowhere.
    Sorry for the breakup. I've been single for the past 22 years since my last LTR. Some things you just have to accept and move on with or without a partner and that's okay too.
    The Dodge Dart is really an Alfa Romeo. They seem cool.

  6. Sorry you and J broke up. I had a feeling when I noticed your status on Facebook disappear and with some of the recent questions on the blog. I hope things work out as their meant to and you both gain strength from this.

    Congrats on the weight loss!

    Don't you dare cut your hair! LOL

    I will miss your old car, but hurray for the new one!

    That sucks about Philly. It's not often your in my neck o' the woods and Hera only knows when I'll get back to South Central. I'm pushing for Pride, but that's iffy.

    Stay true to you and be fierce!

  7. I say cut that hair..and go bald. It is time. Let go the past with those deads..cut them all the way off. Start fresh and new. Keep up with your weightloss, get that body better than ever, you will need it for the road ahead.

    Also as for you and your partner, taylor dayne said it best, LOVE WILL LEAD YOU BACK!

  8. You picked up a Dodge Dart? Let me know how it goes. I still love my Dodge Intrepid, but the Dart is one car I'd trade my ride for if I needed to.

    Sorry to hear about these changes happening all at once. Hang in there.

  9. Much love to you on this new journey. Things will work out fabulously for you.
