Thursday, February 21, 2013

Southern Baptists want to promote Bigotry in The Boy Scouts

One of the largest group of haters put their 2 cents in the Boy Scouts drama.

The Southern Baptists are still trying to convince the Boy Scouts to continue their ban against gays.
The executive committee of the 16-million member Southern Baptist Convention passed the resolution Tuesday, stating that a proposal to alter the ban would "place the Boy Scouts organization at odds with a consistent biblical worldview on matters of human sexuality, making it an organization that would no longer complement, but rather contradict, our belief in God and His moral precepts that serve as the basis for our Christian faith."
So tired of these so-called Christians.



  1. This is really no surprise. The name says it all: Southern Bigots (and I'm southern myself: Virginia).

  2. These aren't "Christians" these are bigots.
