Monday, February 18, 2013

Sarah 'Moose Mess' Palin will speak at CPAC 2013

Moose Mess is back! She will make an appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference or the meeting of the deranged.

The American Conservative Union announced:
“We are pleased to again welcome Governor Sarah Palin to CPAC in March,” ACU chairman Al Cardenas said in a statement. “Governor Palin electrified the crowd in 2012 and we are thrilled to welcome her back this year.”

The former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate also appeared at last year's CPAC.
Other freaks that will attend are: Sen. Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush, Rick Santorum, and NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre.


  1. Freak Show sounds about right. I hope TPM has video clips throughout CPAC. I could always use a good laugh.

  2. The GOP. Rebranding itself the same party its always been.

  3. It seems to me that she is the perfect speaker for such an organization.

    Fortunately, if you believe election cycles teach us lessons. The recent cycles have taught me that more Americans find little in common with this woman and the views she holds.
