Sunday, February 10, 2013

Ohio Mayor Mary McAngus Resigns over Gay Slurs

Mayor Mary McAngus resigned over accusations that she harassed a gay police officer by calling him "queer" in front of his peers.

Here's more:
Jackie Welker, council president in the Village of Pomeroy, tells The Associated Press that 78-year-old submitted a letter of resignation Saturday.

Police Chief Mark Proffitt told the council this week that McAngus referred to Officer Kyle Calendine as "queer" in front of other officers and dispatchers. He says that at one point she said, "I don't like a queer working for the village."

Proffitt had warned the council that McAngus' alleged comments could open the village to a lawsuit.

Calendine says the situation worsened in recent weeks.
Well, she should resign. It was ridic for her to make the officer her stepping stone.

Good riddance.


1 comment:

  1. As you already stated, "Good riddance." There's still a lot of prejudice against us among old people, but their influence is declining.
