Saturday, February 16, 2013

In Missouri: Gay Teen gets to take his boyfriend to Prom

17-year-old Stacy Dawson wanted to take his boyfriend to his senior prom at Scott County Central High School in Missouri. However, he was told he couldn't do it because the school's handbook didn't allow it.

But Stacy fought back:
When Dawson questioned the policy, he was told by a school administrator that the school board would not consider revising it, according to The Southern Poverty Law Center, a nonprofit civil rights organization representing Dawson. So on Thursday -- Valentine's Day -- Dawson had The Southern Poverty Law Center send a letter to Scott County Central High and the school district threatening legal action.

One day later, the district had good news for Dawson: They were removing the offending line from their handbook, and said the line was never meant to be exclusive in the first place.

"I found out why the stipulation in the student handbook was originally put in there, and it's rather innocent, to be honest," Alvin McFerren, Scott County Central School District superintendent, said. "This was during a time 10-15 years ago that the previous administration was having issues with some of the students trying to come in on either the single rate or the couple rate. They implemented that to make sure they couldn't circumvent the rates that students were supposed to pay as they entered into our dances."

McFerren said Dawson will be allowed to go to prom with his boyfriend.
Good for you, Stacy and for the gay students at that schools.


1 comment:

  1. Why do I feel like some of these kids are doing this for attention?
