Tuesday, February 26, 2013

75 Republicans Sign Brief in Support of Marriage Equality

This is amazing and proof of change.

75 GOP members have signed a brief supporting gay marriage. This is a direct challenge to John Boehner's foolishness over DOMA and the religious right.

Here's more
Legal analysts said the brief had the potential to sway conservative justices as much for the prominent names attached to it as for its legal arguments. The list of signers includes a string of Republican officials and influential thinkers — 75 as of Monday evening — who are not ordinarily associated with gay rights advocacy, including some who are speaking out for the first time and others who have changed their previous positions.

Among them are Meg Whitman, who supported Proposition 8 when she ran for California governor; Representatives Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida and Richard Hanna of New York; Stephen J. Hadley, a Bush national security adviser; Carlos Gutierrez, a commerce secretary to Mr. Bush; James B. Comey, a top Bush Justice Department official; David A. Stockman, President Ronald Reagan’s first budget director; and Deborah Pryce, a former member of the House Republican leadership from Ohio who is retired from Congress.

Ms. Pryce said Monday: “Like a lot of the country, my views have evolved on this from the first day I set foot in Congress. I think it’s just the right thing, and I think it’s on solid legal footing, too.”
It's possible that more will come aboard. The document will be submitted sometime this week.



  1. Thanks for sharing this news! This is proof that equality and justice transcends political philosophy.

  2. I suppose that the cynic in me looks at this a different way. If gays were 1% of the population, I doubt the GOP would give a shit.

    As the demographics of this country change....we'll see more of this. If being stupid costs you an election.....you change. It is what it is.
