Sunday, January 20, 2013

Rick Santorum think Colleges are killing Christianity

Hater King Rick Santorum is back, talking mess about how colleges are destroying Christianity. He thinks that colleges has indoctrinated the gay agenda, weakening the belief in Sweet Jesus and the gang.

He said in an interview with Tony Perkins:
The cultural indicators that I talked about earlier that are sort of going the wrong way, we're, you know, in ever-increasing numbers, less and less people here in America, you know, and believe in God, and believe in Jesus Christ, and believe in truth and right and wrong. It’s understandable, I mean, if you certainly, if you look at popular culture and what comes out of Hollywood, if you go to our schools and particularly our colleges and universities, they are indoctrinating in a sea of relativism and a sea of antagonism toward Christianity -- religion in general, but Christianity in particular. And so it’s understandable that that happens, but we, you’re right. Abortion is a symptom, marriage is a symptom, I mean pornography is, all of these are symptoms to the fundamental issue that we’ve gotten away from the truth and the Truth-Giver.
Child please, preach that mess to somebody who cares.

1 comment:

  1. Education is the anti-Christ which explains why Frothy never got one.
