Friday, January 11, 2013

Question of the Day

Do you have Casual Fridays at your job?


  1. When I did the daily 9 to 5 grind in an office, we had casual friday but since I was a high level manager and had unexepected client meetings daily, I never participated. Always suit and tie for me!

  2. When I worked in the office, we have the option to donate $10 to a charity in exchange for wearing casual clothes every day for that month.

    Now that I work from home I can wear whatever I want.

  3. Yup.
    Wearing jeans--nice, clean, jeans--and a Polo right now!

  4. One of the nice things about being in the I.T. field, particularly the serious back side of it, is that you can wear whatever you want every day of the week.

    In my entire career I can count only one time I had to do business attire less jacket and tie.

    Otherwise, jeans, t-shirts, shorts, sneakers.
