Saturday, January 12, 2013

Gun Freak James Yeager is still running his mouth about his Gun Rights

Earlier this week, this idiot say this:

Well after that video went viral and folks start calling him out, James still turned to YouTube to say more mess

I guess fools never learn


  1. It would be ironic if some sniper took him out. I can imagine him already having enemies that might pack heat.

  2. Is this the man who use to be a woman now goes by the name Buck Angel?

  3. He only said what every serviceman and woman has sworn an oath to do. "I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic..
    Did you think that meant they would give them a stern talking to? No, it meant to kill.
    Now because he swore to protect and defend any who tried to violate his 2nd Amendment Right they have violated his 1st Amendment Right!
    Can they revoke a permit? Can there even be a PERMIT for a Right? No! It's a Right! You can issue permits for Privileges. Rights are ours! No amount of legislation can change that.
