Friday, December 14, 2012


Sometimes I wonder if I'm too bougie.

I'm very picky, I only wear certain labels, I'm so serious about soap and lotions, I abhor Spam, Ramen Noodles and Hamburger Helper, I think Old Navy is like a upscale K-Mart and I can't eat fruit from a can... Yeah, I'm too bougie.

But, I'm nice at least.


  1. Just think of it as "I like what I like" and leave it at that.

  2. I wouldn't say you're bougie. Particular, perhaps, but not bougie.

  3. My blogger brother, at the very least, you're YOU! And you THINK! And that's why we love you and your mind! Be yourself! By the way...I don't like fruit in the can either! :)

  4. If I remember correctly, you had a Dodge when their parent company was known as DaimlerChrysler. If you were Bougie, you'd be driving a Mercedes.

    You're not bougie. You have better taste than I do. :-)

  5. Taste is one thing, but you do sound too bougie...nice is a plus I guess...but its always a good idea to look at your behavior and edit if necessary :)

  6. I would say no. You like what you like. No shame. I am very particular about foods and cosmetics. I make all my own body creams and face creams and even shampoos and conditioners. I havent bought anything from out of a store in YEARS!!
