Tuesday, December 25, 2012

CNN: Why Are Most Mass Shootings Perpetrated By White Men?

A very interesting interview


  1. Wow..interesting for sure. His perspective is spot on.

  2. Even more sad to me Vik is that if you, me or a Muslim went on TV to say the same thing we'd be called, "race baiting, playing the race card or over reacting." When a white individual says the same thing it seems to gain plausibility. So apparently the truth can only be realized when one particular race calls attention to it.

  3. I want to see David naked , he is handsome.

  4. White privilege has its perks and one of them nowadays is exoneration of responsibility to obvious trends. I don't care we still in a society where there are way more perks offered to being a white male in general than to any non-white male or person in general
