Friday, November 23, 2012

Uganda drops Death Penalty from Anti-Gay Bill

In Uganda, haters are still trying to pass this 'Kill The Gays' bill. The Ugandan MPs are hoping to get this done in the next couple days, but for some reason, dropped the death penalty part from the bill:
Lawmakers in Uganda have scrapped a proposal to make homosexuality punishable by death.

A parliamentary committee dropped the death penalty clause from the proposed Anti-Homosexuality Bill but otherwise endorsed the legislation, MP Medard Segona told the BBC today.

The provision was the most extreme of several increased punishments for homosexuality, and led to the bill being nicknamed the "kill the gays" bill.

Uganda's legal and parliamentary committee has made "substantial amendments" to the draft legislation, said Segona, adding that the death penalty provision was opposed by "some of us who are human rights activists."
Regardless if this bill is Hate-lite, it's still dangerous. And these lawmakers have lied before about what's in this bill.

Hopefully, more countries will drop their support of this mess and Uganda over this.


1 comment:

  1. I saw this documentary on tv yesterday about the worst place for gays, about Uganda. It really hurt my heart, what the gays in that country had to endure, and what the children were being taught.
