Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Black Support in Marriage Equality is Rising

A new Pew Research Poll, highlights the rising support of gay marriage within the Black community.

In the national exit poll led by Edison Research for NEP, Black voters favored gay marriage by a 51% to 41% margin. In fact, it tops White voters at 47% to 49% margin.

And there's more:
The latest polling by the Pew Research Center also finds some narrowing of long-standing racial differences in attitudes toward gay marriage. Consistently over the past decade, blacks have been far less supportive of legalizing gay marriage than whites. In 2011, for example, 49% of whites favored legalizing gay marriage, compared with just 36% of blacks.

But the latest survey conducted two weeks ago found blacks divided more evenly on this issue than in the past, with 44% in favor and 39% opposed to allowing gay marriage. Among whites, 49% favored and 41% opposed same-sex marriage.
This is good, considering how much religion plays in the mindset of the Black community. This is damn good.

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