Friday, November 16, 2012

My Vague Review: Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2

So I just got back from a sneak preview of Twilight: Breaking Dawn part 2.

I will admit I'm jealous of the success of this series. I can only hope to create something that gets so big and so powerful. It's amazing that sparkling vampires can make millions.

Anywho, here's my vague review.
  • The movie was special, but not bad. It was cute for what it was.
  • Bella has a half-human, half baby vamp. So, she had birthed a Blade, only it's a White girl with no sword.
  • Jacob imprinted the baby, so when she gets older they can do it. Weird.
  • The Twilight mythos is lame. Some of the back stories are really bad.
  • Bella was the She-Hulk of vampires. She is super strong.
  • The Volturi are the super vampires who were pissed off because of a rumor. That sounds like some High School bullsh#t to me.
  • This movie was a lot shorter than part 1, actually this was the best one.
  • The different vampires were cute, but almost pointless.
  • In fact, I felt like I was watching X-Men: First Class with vampires.
  • The fight scene was good, actually really good.
  • Some of the main characters should've died.
  • It was a good wrap-up for the series, but vampires shouldn't sparkle!


  1. I share your jealousy, and the belief vampires shouldn't sparkle.

  2. I never got into the Twilight movies or the books, but I understand the success. Cast totally hot young "actors" no one's heard of and capture the youth audience.

    The music industry does this all the time. How else do we explain Justin Bieber and Lana Del Rey?

  3. Vampires shouldn't sparkle, and that's kept me from seeing any of the movies.
    That and loathsome Kristen Stewart's horrific acting.


  4. I can't wait for junebug to get home so I can by ma a bootleg copy of this.

  5. A mind blowing plot and excellent performance by Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and obviously our werewolf Jacob aka Taylor Lautner. All the Renesmee plot, the fight of the Volturi was excellent and each and every actor has devoted their heart & soul into this movie which has made a large difference in the movie and has exceptionally redefined THE TWILIGHT SAGA!! An absolutely superhit package. The new vampy Bella Cullen was something pretty interesting to look forward to. A lot of notions have been changed about this movie after watching this epic finale.A perfect ending to the epic, but it would be very interesting if we get to see another flick focussing on Jacob & Renesmee. Out of words to express!!!!This is one such movie that you shouldn't miss and if you do its a big loss. I'd suggest spend your weekend with our vampire epic saga..!!!!!
