Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Larry Klayman: Christians are the "New Niggers"

Certain Christians are losing their gottdamned minds. Larry Klayman, founder of Freedom Watch and a staunch Tea Party freak, wrote this mess in WND a few days ago.

In his article, he claims that President Obama will make Christians feel like Black people during the Civil Rights movement.

Here's a key part of this piece:
The bottom line is this: Americans of faith and those who believe in capitalism and hard work as the means to achieve, not “Atlas Shrugged”-portrayed government handouts, have now seen their country taken over largely by uneducated and lazy morons, goons and thugs who want to dismantle all our Founding Fathers conceived of and fought for. And, their hateful Marxist desire to destroy Western civilization is not limited to the “Great Satan,” the United States, but to its biblical Judeo-Christian roots, embodied in the nation of Israel. With no racial slur intended, but only to employ the same lingo used sarcastically by many of Obama’s supporters to describe their past plight, if we do nothing and simply look to future elections to restore the nation, we will soon become the “new niggers,” relegated to the back of the bus – as the bus speeds away to quickly fall over the fiscal, social and moral cliff. African-Americans were right when they said this years ago, and we’re now right to feel the same way today.
This bastard is a trip. Christians the new niggers... I fear that this is the beginning of crazy Christians coming out of the woodwork. And I believe that the Tea Party could get deadlier in the next few years.

H/T to David Badash for covering this first.


  1. Maybe my move toward the coast will come sooner rather than later?

  2. Can you say martyr complex? This fool and others like him act like Obama=the end of the world. But then again, isn't that what they want?

  3. I find his comments appalling.

  4. No, he is a nigger because he is an ignorant son-of-a-bitch...

    'Tis is all...

  5. He certainly gives christians a bad name. However, if Romney had won, this dick wouldn't have been in the minority of spouting crap, he'd have been in the majority!
