Saturday, November 24, 2012

In Uganda: Parliamentary Committee passes Anti-Gay Bill

This sucks to post, but the Anti-Gay Bill in Uganda passed.

Metro Weekly reports:
Ladislaus Rwakafuzi, a human rights attorney, responding to news that the Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee of the Ugandan Parliament earlier today passed a notorious anti-homosexuality bill out of committee. The bill, originally dubbed the “Kill the Gays” bill when introduced in 2009, has removed the provision of execution for “aggravated homosexuality.” According to Uganda’s NTV network – as tweeted by Frank Mugisha (@frankmugisha), director of Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) – an unnamed member of the committee confirmed that a penalty of life imprisonment has remained in the bill in place of execution. While sexual relations between members of the same sex are already illegal in Uganda, if the bill becomes law it will be among the world’s harshest against gay people. NTV reports that the bill should receive floor debate next week.
Something has to be done to stop this from going any further. More to come on this story.

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