Thursday, November 15, 2012

In Florida: A Man Kills Himself over President Obama Re-election

This is beyond silly/sad. A man killed himself because President Obama was reelected. This is not a joke. This really happened.
Henry Hamilton, 64, was discovered dead in his home on Nov. 8 alongside two empty bottles of prescription drugs and a living will on which he'd written "Do not revive! F--- Obama!"

His partner Michael Cossey told the Key West police that Hamilton was "very upset about the election results," The Miami Herald reported.

Hamilton had reportedly warned Cossey that, "if Barack gets reelected, I'm not going to be around."

While Hamilton's official cause of death is still pending an autopsy result, a police spokeswoman told the paper that "There's absolutely no evidence of foul play."

In addition to his anguish over the results of the presidential election, Hamilton was also "very stressed about his business," running a tanning salon, according to Cossey.

Hamilton's friends were also apparently aware he was struggling, and one had asked the police department to regularly check on his well-being, the Herald reported.

It was during one of those checks that Hamilton's dead body was discovered.
Totally ridic, totally.



  1. I'm not surprised. Don't some of these people also believe the world is ending on December 21st?

  2. I'm going to say it. If you want to kill yourself because Obama got re-elected, fine. You're not doing yourself any favors. He's the president for 4 more years, either deal with that or leave the country.
