Monday, November 26, 2012

Henry Cavill chats about the Man of Steel

Henry and director Zack Snyder

The British hunk shared some tidbits about the upcoming Superman film.
“I liked the idea of the realism immediately,” Cavill tells The Post in an exclusive on-set interview. “Traditional Superman fans know what it’s all about, and they will hopefully love and associate with the character anyway. But the people who aren’t die-hard Superman fans still need to associate with the character, and that needs to have some realism in today’s world, certainly, in sense of a science as opposed to mythology attached to it as well.”

On the costume and workouts:
Cavill says of the suit, which takes him 15 to 25 minutes to put on. “And I’m pretty sure it does.”

To fill out the costume, Cavill worked out intensely for two hours each morning, and consumed as many as 5,000 calories a day.

“I have been put through the ringer big time,” Cavill says. “An example of the workouts we’ve been doing, it was 100 front squats of body weight. There are kettle-bell workouts. It’s very hard work.”
The movie will be out next summer.



  1. first, Zach really knows how to spot a hot guy! 300, Watchmen, and now Man of Steel!
    secondly, I can't wait to see this Superman, in all his hotness. If it takes 20 minutes to get in the costume, yowza, it must be good and tight!

  2. Henry looks too plain in this pic, I hope he goes nude.
