Wednesday, November 28, 2012

FAMU wants to dismiss Robert Champion's Hazing Death Case

Shame on you, FAMU!

Their attorneys are trying to get the Robert Champion's civil lawsuit dismissed from court. Robert was the gay FAMU student/drum major who was killed in a hazing incident from his fellow band mates.

FAMU's attorneys claim that Robert knew what he was getting into and was a willing participant. So, I guess he knew he was going to die? Please, this is a terrible reason to dismiss the case.

Here's some more info:
University attorney Richard Mitchell said Champion wasn’t forced to board a bus parked outside an Orlando hotel where the hazing took place, and he had risen through the ranks of the famed Marching 100 band without taking part in hazing until that fateful night in November 2011. 
Champion’s willingness to take part in the hazing ritual gives the university immunity from the wrongful death lawsuit, Mitchell said. 
“Robert Champion knew exactly what he was doing,” he said.
I can't believe they are sticking with this statement. It's like they're saying he knew he was going to die, so it's okay. And knowing that Robert was given additional hazing because he was gay really disturbs me. I guess he knew that too, attorneys.

Being gay and in the marching band, clearly set Robert up for an early death.



  1. WOW This is a bunch of bull. So they feel that he set himself up? FAMU should be shut all the way down.

  2. I'm becoming more and more suspicious of FAMU in general. This is a publicly-funded university that is also a historically black institution, but they seem to do anything to protect their image. If I was a FAMU alum I would demand answers to this foolishness. Finally, LGBTs of color that want to attend HBCUs ought to be on guard and alert to the potential ignorance they may experience in such environments. It seems that there a few splaboos too busy trying to save their assess and do an about-face on this incident rather than calling it a potential hate crime.
