Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Arizona? Gay Marriage? WTF?

Am I drunk or did someone say that Arizona could be the next Marriage Equality state!

I think I'm drunk.

Anywho, this is a true story. Tanner Pritts has not only formed a Marriage Equality group in the crazy state, but also, filed paperwork with the Secretary of State's Office to begin a gay marriage 2014 campaign.

Here's more:
Pritts conceded to Capitol Media Services he is a political novice at ballot measures. In fact, the Scottsdale resident said he is just 22.

The initiative drive, if successful, would put the issue back on the ballot just six years after Arizonans voted by a 56-44 margin to define marriage in the state constitution as solely between one man and one woman.

But Pritts said he is heartened by the results of elections elsewhere.

"Obviously, we believe the demographics of the nation are changing," he said.

"We feel that Arizona is, too," Pritts continued. "And we think we have a shot."
I admire Tanner's passion. Arizona will be a HUGE hurtle to jump, but if they make it happen there, the possibilities are limitless.

Gay fam in Arizona, help Tanner out, because he's going to need everything to bring Marriage Equality in that state.


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