Friday, October 12, 2012

The Broward Log Cabin Republican Club of Florida are Assholes

The Florida Agenda, an LGBT newspaper in southern Florida has published a political attack ad paid for by The Broward Log Cabin Republican Club of Florida has stooped to a new low.

In their latest ad, this group used the dead body of American ambassador Chris Stevens. Why? Well, they claim that the Obama administration is not looking out for LGBT folks Israel.

My friend and writer, Bil Browning reports:
The advertisement also insinuates that Ambassador Stevens was gay. Rumors about Steven's sexual orientation were started by Kevin DuJan, a gay Republican known best for his outrageous claims about President Obama. DuJan, who writes for the right wing blog HillBuzz, has also alleged that the President is also secretly gay. 

"If the Obama administration isn't going to protect Gay/Gay-friendly American citizens from the terror of Islamic radicalism, what makes you think they will protect us from Shariah Law... ANYWHERE?" the ad asks above a Getty Images photo of the ambassador's body being carried through the streets of Benghazi following an attack on the embassy. A video posted by the New York Times shows Stevens being pulled out of a window shortly after the attack. People in the crowd can be heard saying that Stevens is alive and that they would be taking him to the hospital.
Also in this piece, the Log Cabin Repubs' Executive Director Clarke Cooper come out against the ad:
"This ad does not represent the position of Log Cabin Republicans, and we reject it completely," he said. "The 9-11 attack on Americans posted in Libya was a straight up act of terrorism. There are plenty of reasons to vote Republican on protecting US interests abroad, but such an ad is fallacious, simple minded and irresponsible."
 Somebody needs to hold them accountable.

1 comment:

  1. Is there not some law against this sort of thing?

    Oh I don't know......... "treason"?
